Game Modes


There are two game modes in Deviltroit: PVP and PVE. The main goal of your character in Deviltroit will be to create the most influential district! The owners of the most influential districts will become members of the DAO council and will be able to make important decisions not only in the life of their district, but also in the life of Deviltroit.

PVP – mode will open you the way to the world of districts battles. And you will be able to attack other districts. Your district can also be completely attacked. If you defend your district and withstand an attack, you get a bonus that gives you more rewards for a certain time. If the attacker wins, he takes a percentage of the rewards you have earned in the last 24 hours. Fighting in PVP mode, you can get unique rewards available only in this mode.

PVE - is the mode in which you form your capital. In this mode, you cannot be attacked and also you cannot make attacks. You can travel between districts of your gang and earn rewards by participating in events.

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